The Soulty Surfer

Supporting ocean lovers and surfers; The Soulty Surfer encourages wellness through movement.

With a desire to share the benefits of wellness practices that have helped her so much, Dani founded The Soulty Surfer. 

The Soulty Surfer is a unique representation of Dani's love for wellness practices like yoga, meditation, and breathwork, combined with her happiness and connection to the ocean. Dani believes that community is an essential aspect of our lives and sought to bring these passions together. 

Dani's sessions are a perfect blend of movement, breath, and mindfulness, promoting strength and flexibility of mind and body. Her teachings include breathwork, yoga postures ‘asanas’ and meditation, enabling you to incorporate the fundamentals of mindfulness and spirituality into your daily life.

By joining an event, workshop, or retreat, you will be a part of a collective and pause, while exploring practices that connect you to your highest self. Afterward, you'll return to your everyday life feeling balanced and centered.

Website →
Instagram → @thesoultysurfer
