Weissman, under the leadership of founder Sebastian Harterink, has redefined the traditional design agency model. Distancing itself from conventional structures, Weissman thrives by partnering with a dynamic network of freelancers, contractors, and agencies, sidestepping the pitfalls of traditional hiring practices. This unique approach ensures unparalleled flexibility and access to top-tier talent. Emphasizing the belief that content partners lead to satisfied clients, Weissman prioritises collaborative relationships and realistic client expectations, yielding remarkable outcomes. The studio's aesthetic, a fusion of client identity and partner styles, defies a singular definition, with a commitment to championing local talent. Based in Bournemouth, Weissman strategically chooses lifestyle advantages over clichéd coastal paradises, finding a refreshing alternative to big-city challenges. Celebrating current achievements with Tate Britain and Tate Modern, Weissman aspires to extend its impact to other cultural and heritage organisations, embracing a future filled with meaningful collaborations and sustained success.
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