Wild World

Hi Danni, we’d love to know your story. Can you give our readers an introduction to you and your work?

I’m a photographer and writer, but also a biologist specialising in tropical ecosystem responses to changing climates - specifically within the Amazon. I’ve always been torn in two by my creativity and logicianism - with my creative nature constantly battling my need for reason and explanation. 

Photography is where I felt these two strengths actually work in tandem, where the lens in which I perceive the world and its ephemeral moments can be captured and eternalised through something very calculated. 

As a kid I grew up on devouring books, classics like Treasure Island, which I think forged the way I try to look at nature as though I’m always seeing it for the first time. This, along with a want to translate the divinity of nature is what is at the root of my work.

What is your inspiration? 

The natural world, and times forgotten are the lenses that I see the world through. Capturing frames that glorify and give due focus to organic life and matter keeps me in a state of wonder at the world I occupy.  

I feel extraordinarily fortunate to have had deep connections to both the logical and esoteric compartments of my brain. When I picked up a camera, I knew this was where these two parts would meet in harmony. 

Where is your favourite place to shoot locally? 

Spoilt by choice. I’d have to say the New Forest holds a special place, it’s the closest thing to true wilderness we have and for that it’s precious. 

The whole of Studland is a photographers dream too, underwater you have the endangered seahorse (largely thanks to The Seahorse Trust) and on land Agglestone Rock is a dream at sunset. 

What does play mean to you? 

To play is to do without agenda - which is to keep a healthy imagination and refine your world lens. Especially as a creative, no matter the mode, it’s important to make time for play, as it helps you to continue discovering what makes you tick, and to realise ideas that might not have a commercial place, but have equal if not higher value.

Website → dannipollock.co.uk
Instagram → @dannipollock


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