The Way Outback

The Way Outback prides itself on its free thinking independent attitude. Grown from the ground up, the brewery started out in the back garden of founder Richard Brown's property (hence the name 'way outback'). Initially supplying various pubs, bars and bottle shops, it was decided that the brewery needed a venue to supply their product directly to their customers. Working by day and building by night, The Way Outback brewery and taproom made Seabourne Road their home.

As for sustainability, the majority of beers available are vegan. In addition, any of the left over malts are taken to a local farm to be used as feed, so there is never any waste products. We highly recommend popping into The Way Outback and supporting your local independent brewery. However, if visiting is out of the question, most beers are available in cans, so pop onto their website and order yourself a few, you won't regret it.




Boscombe Brewing Co.